
The main objective of the INVOLVE project is to analyse and foster social partners’ integration in the governance of dual VET systems in four countries that have that have recently developed projects of dual VET systems and are characterised by a model of industrial relations where social partners play a limited institutionalised role in policy making.

The specific objectives are:

To analyse the drivers and enabling factors (economic – youth unemployment-, political, etc.) which explain the development of dual VET systems.

To analyse the reform process leading to the development of dual VET systems.

To explain the main institutional and governance features of alternating VET systems and dual VET systems.

To analyse main views of trade unions and employer organisations about dual VET systems.

To analyse the processes of technology and organizational changes (platform work, automation, global value chains) and the emerging qualification needs in different sectors.

To describe and explain the role played by social partners in the dual VET systems at macro, meso and micro level, including:

  1. Design and reform of dual VET systems
  2. Definition of qualification and professional groups
  3. Regulation of working conditions of apprenticeships
  4. Evaluation of training outcomes
  5. Evaluation and monitoring of the system
  6. Enforcement of working and training conditions of apprenticeships

To develop national scenarios on how to establish integrative governance structures of dual VET systems.
