New Project meetings to discuss the agenda of the final conference and the comparative analysis of the INVOLVE project

New Project meetings to discuss the agenda of the final conference and the comparative analysis of the INVOLVE project

On 18 March 2022 the INVOLVE project partners held an on-line meeting in order to plan the final conference of the project and other aspects related to the end of the project which will finish on 31 July. In the first part of the meeting, the final products of the project that are still to be delivered and additional activities that have been agreed upon were discussed. Then, a preliminary structure of the comparative analysis report was presented. The comparative report is based on national desk research and field work reports (available on the web), and the national scenario reports (to be published soon).

Subsequently, the partners discussed the agenda for the final conference, which will take place on 3 June in Madrid. At the final conference, the partners will present key project findings. Moreover, there will be round tables where national social partners will be invited to present and discuss their experience in the governance of dual VET. Finally, it was agreed that the partners will invite relevant national stakeholders in order to disseminate the project findings to a wider audience.

On 5 April 2022, a new on-line meeting was organised to discuss preliminary findings of the comparative report. Moreover, the partners presented and discussed key findings from the scenario workshops.
