Scenario workshop on dual VET governance structures: Greece

Scenario workshop on dual VET governance structures: Greece

A scenario workshop on the participation of social partners in the governance of the VET system took place in Greece on the 21st of January 2022. Due to the pandemic, the workshop was conducted virtually in the form of a webinar. Still, all attendees participated actively.

The workshop was attended by 13 participants. They were all stakeholders in the VET system and have experience at decision-making level in dual VET. The organisations represented were the trade-unions’ institute (GSEE), the employer organisations’ institutes (GSEVEE, SEV), the Ministries of Education and of Tourism (both involved in VET and apprenticeship schemes), as well as the Manpower Services Agency (who run the apprenticeship system on behalf of the Ministry of Employment).

In line with the project’s methodology, participants were sent before the workshop, a short analysis of the factors and trends influencing the VET system in Greece, together with the outline of diverse scenarios of the involvement of social partners in the VET system. These scenarios were analysed in the workshop by the project researchers.

Participants agreed that, given that the current governance system operates for less than one year, it is deemed necessary to retain the existing structure and to seek for improving initiatives within this system. More specifically, one proposal that participants made was that, given the existing system’s targeting of VET in general, there should be a sub-system of governance explicitly on dual VET. Another proposal was to assess needs at local level, as they might differ from the existing findings at regional level. Additionally, this needs to be done by scientific committees, which should be differentiated from the existing operational committees. In this system, the involvement of social actors is crucial. Still, participants agreed that, despite their will and interest, at this moment social partners lack the resources for further engagement in the governance of VET.

The results of the workshop are described in a report that will be available for download from the INVOLVE website.
