On the 3rd of June 2022, the INVOLVE project successfully held its final conference. In total, over 70 people from different fields (social partners, academy, etc.) and countries (Spain, Portugal, Poland and Greece) registered for the meeting to discover the results of the project and discuss the future possibilities to better integrate social partners in dual VET governance.
You can find the recording of the final conference below:
The panelists’ presentations are available in the following links:
Roundtable I. Social partners’ role in dual VET governance in Europe: continuity and patterns of change
Dr. Joerg Markowitsch (3S). Empirical Research on VET governance
Roundtable III. Scenario/visions on dual VET
Nuno Boavida (CICS.NOVA of Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Prokopis Pandis (INE/GSEE)
Maciej Pankow (ISP)
Joan Antoni Serra (notus)