One of the research objectives of the INVOLVE project is to develop national scenarios on how to establish integrative governance structures of dual VET systems. To this aim, a participatory scenario methodology based on workshops is being conducted in each country, with the aim of developing scenarios about potential governance integrative structures improving social partners’ involvement in VET systems
The INVOLVE project scenario workshop related to the Spanish research took place on 15 December in Madrid. The workshop team included 8 members from most representative social partners involved in governance of dual VET systems at different levels (CEOE, Foment del Treball, CCOO Confederal, CCOO Euskadi, CEA, Confebask, UGT Confederal and UGT Andalusia) as well as 2 scholars/researchers from the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT), from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Due to the impact of the pandemic crisis, half of the workshop participants took part in the session virtually.
As a preliminary step, the research team of nouts-asr identified the main trends and drivers of change, and formulated a first proposal of scenarios that was sent to the participants. This working document was the starting point for the discussion. During the session, an interesting debate was generated, which was very useful to improve the key trends and drivers previously identified and enrich the two scenarios initially developed by notus-asr.
In the following weeks, a scenario report will be published in the project website, which summarise the main visions agreed by the workshop participants on how to develop governance integrative structures which could improve social partners’ involvement in the Spanish VET system.