A scenario workshop aimed at strengthening the role of social partners in the co-governing of the VET system took place in Poland on December 6, 2021. It was conducted in the form of a videoconference due to the still unfavourable pandemic situation. As in the rest of the countries participating in the INVOLVE project, a participatory scenario methodology was used.
The workshop was attended by 15 participants representing the three main groups of the VET system stakeholders. First, there were representatives of nationwide or sectoral employer organisations (including the Polish Craft Association, the Association of International Road Carriers in Poland, the Association of Steel Industry Employers) as well as trade unions (e.g. the Trade Union ‘Builders’, the Metalworkers’ Secretariat of NSZZ ‘Solidarność’, the National Section of Road Transport of NSZZ ‘Solidarność’). The invitation was also accepted by representatives of public institutions supporting the VET system and social dialogue (such as Ministry of Education and Science, Institute of Sustainable Technologies, Centre for Social Partnership ‘Dialogue’).
In line with the methodological assumptions, the participants, before the meeting, received a short analysis of the factors and trends influencing the VET system in Poland, along with the justification of the need for greater involvement of social partners in improving the quality of its functioning. They were also sent an outline of scenarios for strengthening social dialogue, which were then discussed during the workshops. Participants agreed that, first of all, it is necessary to promote among the social partners the possibilities for their involvement that had been introduced in the wave of VET reforms in recent years, and which many organisations, as well as individual companies, do not know about. This concerns, among others, mechanisms such as participation in the creation of new VET occupations and influencing the content of the core curricula, supporting career counselling addressed to primary school students to help them make the right decisions regarding the further path of education, or information and promotional activities to improve the image of vocational schools.
The results of the workshop are described in a report that will be available for download from the INVOLVE website.